In order to find out exactly what “multisensory design” is, one should define the concept itself: translated from English “multi” means a lot, “sensory” means sensation. In other words, it is a design that affects a person with all five senses. It is scientifically proven that the formation of thoughts depends on the emotions experienced by a person, the five human senses are capable of evoking emotions that can convince or relax. With the help of multisensory design, you can create a more comfortable living environment with predetermined tasks: office, living room interior, sales area, relaxation rooms. It can be an appeal to two or three sensations of a person, and sometimes to all five.
Getting into an unfamiliar place, a person has a holistic sense of the environment. The very first and most vivid sensations we get with the help of sight and hearing. At the next stage, the olfactory receptors begin to perceive various smells. Tactile interaction with objects makes it possible to feel the shape, relief, texture and surface temperature.